The Wisdom of Plants

Spirit Plant Medicine work is something I have personal experience with, as well as guiding many others in discovering their own healing breakthroughs with the guidance of these Divine Teacher Spirits, it is something I hold to be very sacred and inherent to our human relationship with the consciousness of plants.

The relationship we have with plants is both survival based, interconnected and transcends the physical relationship to include the subtler realms of reality. Spirit plant medicines are plants recognized for their multidimensional ability to heal ~ physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual, mental and purposeful. For nothing in Nature exists without a purpose. It may be to feed and nourish, or it may be to elevate the mood and help stabilize emotions, or it might be to offer insight into much deeper and subtler aspects of who we are and healing.

Spirit Plant medicines help us in breaking through the barriers and blocks set in place by the ego over years and lifetimes of collective entrainment. The ego is not our “enemy”, for it is the accumulation of all of our lifetimes of experiences, but it is a challenge for most of us to learn to understand what it actually is, how it operates and how we may realign its relationship with soul.

Growing up in modern, mainstream societies the ego has learned to take on the role of “boss” in our lives, taking credit for everything, operating from fear and edging out the soul. Plant medicines help us to breakthrough these blocks in a gentle and effective way by rewriting neural pathways, removing self-harming thought patterns, opening our hearts and helping us to experience and reconnect to who we are in truth. In this journey we reconnect with and create space for our Soul's divine wisdom to embody and once again guide us.

Below you may read through articles related to Spirit Plant Medicine work.

If you are interested in booking a healing session to discuss, ask questions and explore how these types of medicines may be of service on your healing path, you may contact me.

If you are currently working with Spirit Plant Medicines and are looking for someone who can guide and work with you in the integration process, please contact me. The "real" work begins after the ceremony when we are looking for ways to integrate and implement all of the insights and awakenings we have received from the sacred plants. Integration is the most important stage of the work and having support is key for healthy realignment with our newfound realizations and states of being.

Micro Magic Healing

The reasons for micro-dosing are extremely varied. From healing chronic headaches, nervous tension, anxiety, digestive issues, nerve pain, breathing problems, attention dis-orders, depression, stress, fatigue, inflammation, restlessness, sleeping dis-orders, the list goes one…. also for stimulating creativity, seeking new perspective, insight, personal growth, enhancing libido, clarity, intuition and soul (re)connection… the reasons one chooses to micro-dose with a plant medicine are personal, individual and ideally, practically applied.

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Spirit Plant Medicines, Holistic Healing christina jyoti Spirit Plant Medicines, Holistic Healing christina jyoti

Soul Pain

There’s an old saying: “if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” It seems to many of the healing professions that for far too long we have been treating mental health, addiction, trauma and stress with a hammer in the form of a pharmaceutical that carried a promise of “banging things back into order”. However, it doesn’t take a PhD to see that a pill cannot heal soul pain ~ it can only numb it while the person continues to struggle to find meaning and purpose for their life.

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