Most simply put, micro-dosing is the ingestion of a micro amount, or dose, of a chosen kind of plant medicine for the healing of physical, mental, emotional and / or spiritual imbalances. The whole medicine of a psychoactive plant is consumed in small enough doses that one does not achieve an altered state of consciousness and can go about their daily lives, however, the compound effect of daily dosing supports the body, mind and soul in healing.


The reasons for micro-dosing are extremely varied. From healing chronic headaches, nervous tension, anxiety, digestive issues, nerve pain, breathing problems, attention dis-orders, depression, stress, fatigue, inflammation, restlessness, sleeping dis-orders, the list goes one…. also for stimulating creativity, seeking new perspective, insight, personal growth, enhancing libido, clarity, intuition and soul (re)connection… the reasons one chooses to micro-dose with a plant medicine are personal, individual and ideally, practically applied.


One may choose to micro-dose with a variety of Spirit plant medicines. Psilocybin, found in “magick mushrooms”, of which there are over 180 species, is among the most common.

The typical micro-dose is anywhere from 50 – 250 mg per day. It is typically taken in powdered form and often in a pre-dosed capsule.

As with all herbal plant medicines, it is recommended that one work with the whole mushroom, rather than an extract, to allow for the synergistic, symphony of the medicine to work with you.

The effect of a micro-dose is non-hallucinogenic and mildly shifts perception and ways of being in the world. Its common effects also include an enhanced sense of self-awareness, clarity, focus, intuition, well-being, cognition and presence.

The potency depends on the strain, age, dried vs fresh, body size, metabolism, other medications / herbs one is taking, as well as, one’s presence with their intention for taking the medicine.


When working with any plant medicine, but especially with a psychoactive medicine, we begin by setting an intention for our journey.

Whether we are in ceremony with a macro dose, or journeying with a daily micro dose, intention is key. The Spirit of the plant is alive, multi-dimensional and listening to you. Though many of the plants are very wise and know how to communicate with our bodies even if we don’t, you will find an increase in potency, effectiveness and a deeper intimacy with the work if you set an intention for your journey.

There is a whole blog about intentions and how they work here, but in summary, by setting an intention you are entering into a dialogue with the plant and Spirit. You are opening yourself to receive healing and guidance along your path and you are giving permission, like an invitation, for the plant’s Spirit to come and work with you.

Intentions create a Spiritual connection with the plants and their healing powers. Gratitude shows respect and kindness for the plant’s ability to serve you, teach and guide you. The entire practise is sacred, intention and gratitude amplify the numinous quality of the work, and this, inevitably translates in the physical, mental and emotional experience with deeper healing and awareness.


Magick mushrooms bind to the serotonin receptors throughout the entire body ~ this includes the brain and the gut, linking the gut-brain connection. There are many classes of neurotransmitters and I suggest doing your own research to find out more, but Serotonin modulates our mood, emotional stability, empathy, circadian rhythm, balance, creativity and clarity.

Psilocybin has been shown to increase neural growth factor (neurogenesis) and neuroplasticity. What this is means is enhanced learning, memory, cognition, clarity, upliftment as well as a reprogramming and repatterning of our neural pathways. This typically results in what are commonly referred to as “shifts” in perception and awareness. In other words, we see and interpret life differently and, when we change how we look at things, the things we look at change.

Therefore, via a cascade of effects, transformation and healing take place. Whether we become more aware of the choices that are causing us to feel unwell, or we process suppressed and repressed emotions, release old thought patterns and belief systems that no longer serve us, process and release trauma stuck in the body, learn to “digest” our emotions, expand our consciousness or find a deeper sense of relaxation and presence in life, what typically takes place is a paradigm shift in how we perceive and engage with our lives; therefore, making changes as needed from this uplifted, expanded perspective and awareness.

Spiritually and energetically, the mushrooms are known for opening the heart, increasing our connection to nature, others and our own souls. By creating new neural networks, we discover and align with what is known as the “flow state”, which is our connection to the Divine, the Tao, our intuitive gifts and can align us with our own Truth so that we begin living it with true purpose and meaning.

In many cultures, mushrooms are known as “the children of the forest”, or “forest medicine”, which is why you may find yourself called to spending more time in Nature (which is healing in and of itself). The key is connection… re-establishing connection with your own true nature, as well as the Nature of which we are all a part, but many have forgotten. This reconnection brings about an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life on Earth, as well as the Earth, Gaia, herself.

By removing the “cloud of disconnect”, we may experience what is known as an “ego death”, for it is the ego which sees itself as “other”, and this is for anyone who has experienced it, a life-transforming event. It creates a new relationship with life, which brings us to the root issue of why we are struggling with life by aligning us with what is most true, important and valued. We may then experience a connection with everything ~ a non-locality ~ and an experience with infinite space, without which there would be no form and there would be no “us” and “them”, known as duality.

Once again, this presents a paradigm shift for us as individuals and, as more people come to know themselves in truth, a paradigm shift in consciousness for humanity.. it is an awakening.


Integration is perhaps the most important part of Spirit Plant Medicine healing.

The process of reconnection and alignment with our true nature is a wondrous journey filled with upliftment and new perspective. However, it is a process, and most of us have a lifetime of suppressed and repressed emotions, unresolved pain and trauma, self-judgment and confusion buried deep within. A lot of these energies are rather pent up and will rise to the surface as we clear and connect. They rise for recognition and healing, and it is important not to be afraid and to remember that you are not alone.

There is much support in the plant medicine community. An online search will provide many results and many therapists and healers are offering integration sessions to help process the journey and release what no longer serves us.

Ego deaths can be particularly “shocking” at times and it is important to have support. You can support yourself by journaling, getting creative with arts, talking to friends who are willing to listen and hold space, yoga, meditation and time in Nature. Often it is very beneficial to talk to someone with experience and a knowing of the path you are on. Integration is as important as the medicine itself! Integration sessions help us to alchemize the energies and see clearly the journey we are on.

It is important not to judge yourself for things you have done in the past. Knowing is a binary process and we could not know then what we know now ~ that is simply the nature of the journey so be kind, compassionate and gentle with yourself as you grow and learn for all any of us can do is learn to choose differently as we grow.


If you are interested in integration sessions for your micro-dosing journey with myself, please do not hesitate to reach out and book an integration session to receive support and guidance along your path. I have worked with plant spirits for healing for many years and have supported, and am supporting, many on our path. Together we grow brighter and stronger every step we take.

In peace & LOVE, thank you plant medicines!

I wish you healing, wholeness & LOVE.

                                                                                                                  Article coming soon! 


Soul Pain