Kriya Yoga christina jyoti Kriya Yoga christina jyoti

Kriya Yoga क्रिया योग

From the subtlest movement of our attention and breath, to the most energetic and dynamic movements involving our entire physical and subtle bodies, Kriya yoga cleanses all layers of our being, energizes, oxygenates, purifies, detoxifies, cleanses, charges, aligns, strengthens and awakens the layers of multi-dimensional body. It shifts and enlightens our state of consciousness, brings clarity, focus and inspiration into our lives, and, as a result, elevates our entire lives.

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The Art of Sadhana

Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice that is cultivated over time. It can also be translated as “realization” for within the concept is the understanding that this as an art of true devotion to the path of self-realization that is known as yoga.Sadhana represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego. Getting into daily practice is part of the yogi's journey and the beginnings of a daily devotional Sadhana practise.

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aura miracle kriya

The aura, also known as the 8th chakra, is part of the magnetic energy field or force that surrounds our entire body and all other chakras. The aura both protects a person from negative energies but may become polluted from daily interactions. The aura projects our true nature into the world and magnetically pulls to us resonant energies and repels unwanted ones when it is strong.

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