Full Moon Energies 01.13.25
2025 - “Big Endings & New Beginnings”
As we approach the first Full Moon of ‘25, many of us are wondering what this year ahead holds for us personally and collectively. From the Vedic perspective, the new year doesn’t start until Spring, which if you really think about it, makes a lot of sense. The middle of winter (or Summer depending on where you live), is not really the kind of energy that resonates with new beginnings, whereas the start of Spring (or Fall) is all about change. Therefore, while the Gregorian calendar marks January as the beginning of something new, from an Astrological perspective, it is really a time for going within and preparing for the new beginning yet to come. Nevertheless, each day is truly a new beginning and each Moon cycle offers us the Divine opportunity for tuning into our hearts with the intention to align with the cosmic energies of the Universe. By doing so we harmonize our being with the Natural Laws truly governing our existence and become empowered to create a life that resonates with the deepest parts of our consciousness and who we are in truth as eternal beings on this epic cosmic soul journey.
As always, these following Astrological observations are based on the Vedic, Sidereal system of Astrology, which is Astronomically accurate. The following analyses of current transits in the month ahead are only a snapshot and a generalization of the cosmic energies at play. For detailed and personalized insight into how these transits may influence you and your life, I invite you to book a 1:1 reading.
🌕 Monday Jan. 13 2:30pm PST
Moon in Gemini in Nakshatra Purnavasu
The Full Moon is always a time when certain things come to light. Through this illumination, there is often newfound clarity, insight and release. The Moon governs the waters of the Earth, the tides and plays a huge influence on the gravitational field influencing us all. The Earth is 70-80% water and, since the human body is made of the Earth, so are we influenced by the cycles of the Moon.
In Astrology, the Moon represents our conditioned mind, emotions and the Mother. Gemini is a highly sensitive, intuitive and intellectual sign. The mind strengthens in Gemini but also becomes more sensitive to outside influences and needs grounding. It is generally a very positive sign, bringing new opportunities and change quickly. However, it can also bring feelings of restlessness and anxiety, which, given the current state of the world stage, many are feeling at this time. 2025 promises to be a rather intense year with much change and challenge both personally and collectively. I will be sending out a Light Letter covering the major 2025 transits in the near future that will illuminate much more, but for now, let’s just say that the kinds of events we are seeing now, are foreshadowing much of what is yet to come… This year asks all of us to go with the flow or we may find ourselves battling the rapids. Though change can be challenging, ultimately we can remind ourselves that it is calling forward into surrender.
Purnavasu ~ January’s Full Moon will reside in the Nakshatra, or Star, of Purnavasu, which is symbolized by the quiver holding arrows that have yet to be drawn. Purnavasu follows the Nakshatra Ardra, which can be a time of pain, loss and emotional, as well as physical storms. This is why Purnavasu means “good again” for it brings renewed hope into the hearts of those who have been struggling with life’s challenging events in time. You may recall that the last Full Moon was in the Nakshatra of Mrigrishirsha, which was a time of searching and reflection. Now we find ourselves moving into a time where some of what we have been searching for is starting to reveal itself. If you’ve been asking for “a sign” that will guide you in making a life decision, now is the time to pay close attention to what is happening for you and realize that sometimes the more obvious the sign, the harder it can be to see.
Purnavasu is governed by Jupiter, bringing wisdom into our reflections and the blessings that come along with it. Although it may be hard to see the silver linings when we are in the midst of a great storm, the invitation is to look for guidance amidst the great chaos of our world. These are collectively challenging times, but all of us know that with great challenge comes great growth, evolution and blessings. We may often think of Grace as something that only brings “the good”, but from a Spiritual perspective, there ultimately is no “good or bad” and we must acknowledge that Grace is always present in all ways. Though we cannot always understand it, the most difficult times of our life are often, upon later reflection, the times when our world moved in a new direction and perhaps even forced us into a new beginning for which we may one day become radically grateful.
If there is a theme for 2025, it is “Big Endings & Transformational New Beginnings” and it’s starting now. If nothing else, this is an opportune time for starting something over, making it an excellent time for starting a new Spiritual practice, setting up a sacred space for meditation in the home, offering donations or service of any kind to those in need, of which there are many. It is a time when generosity, patience and faith are greatly rewarded by the cosmos. For no matter how dark some days may seem in this dualistic, time~space reality, the nature of causality is such that we all have the power to influence our timelines by the choices we make now, which includes how we respond or react to the things that happen for us. Even though a profound Spiritual Science such as Vedic Astrology can give us great insight into our futures, as many of us can attest to, there are events in life that we just didn’t see coming. Therefore, the more self-aware we become along the Spiritual path, the greater our sense of personal resolve to take radical responsibility for our lives becomes.
Life has dealt me my fair share of storms and sudden endings and nothing has carried me through those really challenging times as much as having a daily Spiritual practice. When the mind is traumatized and the heart is shattered in pain, tuning into the Divine and having a way to ground myself has proven to give me strength, courage and perspective when I needed it most. I honestly don’t know where I would be without it.
* If you or anyone you know is looking for guidance on how to adopt a daily, personalized Spiritual practice, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you do not already know, I offer initiation into a variety of yogic practices including meditation, mantra and breathwork that offer strength, healing, joy, abundance and fulfillment in a variety of different ways, customized to your current specific needs.
You can email me with any questions and I will personally respond.*
SUN, Pluto, Moon & Mercury
For those born between Jan 14th ~ Feb 12th, in Vedic Astrology, your Sun sign is Capricorn so Happy Birthday to all!
At the moment the Sun sits in the final degrees of Sagittarius but moves into Capricorn on January 14th, a celebration of the light as days get longer again for many of us. Sun joins Pluto for a month, creating the potential for some rather intense power struggles both personally and collectively. Capricorn is the sign of governments, authority, law and order. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and when Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2020 (where it will stay for the next two decades), it not only marked the beginning of the U.S.’s first Pluto return (248 yrs since the Declaration of Independence), indicating structural change and shifting realities and power structures for the U.S. We also saw the beginning glimpses of huge shifts in world leaders and governments around the globe. Historical court cases and disclosure of hidden information on multiple fronts began and will continue.
Pluto in Capricorn (supported by several other planetary alignments) promises to bring profound change, transformation and revolution to the kinds of political leaders and styles of governments we collectively experience. This next month may offer us glimpses into the kinds of power struggles we have yet to see as the prevailing cosmic energies incumbent upon us are supporting the power of the people rather than domination by a select few as has been the experience of recent history. This is only the start and we are going to see a lot more revolutionary happenings, I believe, in March ~ June 2025, which I will discuss in greater detail in the upcoming 2025 Transits Letter.
On a personal level, this next month is a time where many of us may have our own set of power struggles, especially in work related situations. Depending on where Sun and Capricorn sit in our individual birth charts, we may find those in position of authority shifting around us and we may even be one of them. Opinions are likely to be heated and clash during this time so it is wise to remind ourselves to take a breath before reacting because something as simple as “taking a pause” before engaging in argument could save us a lot of pain and regret in the long run. It’s a wonderful opportunity to practice our listening skills, and if a situation is too much to handle, simply walk away… you’ll thank yourself later!
Mercury joins the party in Capricorn January 24 ~ February 10th
New Moon in Capricorn January 29th
MARS moves into Gemini
Mars moves out of its sign of debilitation in Cancer and starts moving into Gemini on January 19th. This is a welcome change for many who have been feeling down and lethargic. Although Mars remains retrograde (read intense) until February 26th, the heavy, tired energy and mood swings that many have been experiencing should alleviate with this shift, bringing a greater resolve and willpower to our efforts again. Mars will stay in Gemini until May 2nd, 2025 when it will move back into debilitation in Cancer once again and then continue a speedy journey toward Leo in June.
Therefore, from Jan 19th ~ May 2nd, willpower, courage, energy, resolve and determination are stronger for life’s endeavours. If you’ve been struggling to “get things done”, be kind to yourself and know that energies are shifting again. Cancer is all about the home and nurturing, Mars is a disruptive and even destructive energy to have in this sign so we all welcome this shift. Of course, these are generalizations ~ knowing where Mars sits in your birth chart and which houses it governs will offer deeper insight into how these transits affect each of us personally.
Mars’ transition into Gemini and the Sun/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn coincides with the U.S. Presidential inauguration, which holds the potential to make this a rather dramatic event. As if sides on this front weren’t already polarized enough, opinions on both sides become even more heated, making it a good time to avoid crowds and politics at the dinner table. Also look out for significant changes in social media, communication and technology this month and the year ahead (more on this in my upcoming 2025 Transit Letter).
VENUS moves into Pisces
I will talk more about this with our next New Moon update, but briefly it is worth mentioning that on January 27, Venus leaves Aquarius, moves into Pisces where He becomes exalted. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus ~ in other words, the two Guru planets exchange signs. As a result, both planets are strengthened and whichever houses they rule in your birth chart are activated typically in a positive way. Venus and Jupiter are both considered Gurus, or Teachers, in Vedic Astrology, but they teach in fundamentally different ways.
Venus will stay in Pisces until May 31, and will be retrograde throughout March and into April. Many planets will join in Pisces this Spring. This cluster of planets in Pisces, a water sign which is all about letting go, will create some rapids in the flow of cosmic energies and weather events around the world that I will discuss in the upcoming Transits Light Letter as well.
A channeled message from Mahavatar Babaji, the Eternal Yogi & embodiment of great Awakening & Enlightenment
“In 2025 new doors open promising new opportunities and challenges, but in order to embrace the good that awaits we have to let go of old burdens, ego limitations and habits that have taken root in our minds. The year 2025 is the call to awaken the Soul and higher vibrational Divine knowledge supporting humanity’s transformation into higher, cosmic frequencies.
As the vibrational frequencies of the Earth increase, your minds must be in tune with it. Spend 10-30 minutes every day in silent meditation, focusing on the Earth and seeing yourself filled with cosmic light energy.
When you are in tune with the rhythm of the Universe, your sense of inner peace will increase and the higher consciousness of the Universe will guide you.
Listen to the language of light and stillness.
Silence is not a sound, but a space where the messages from the Divine Realms become clearest.”
In Closing..
On the positive, the intense 2025 Cosmic alignments are illuminating and further forecasting a time in human evolution where we are stepping into our sovereignty and coming out of a long period of helplessness and collective victimhood. As the great Babaji taught, this time in human history is the “call of the Soul”. Perhaps the Spiritual path is best defined as the journey of taking radical responsibility for our own lives. When we stop blaming others for our troubles and start to see ourselves as cosmic co-creators in a benevolent and loving Universe, we gain great perspective on life’s events. As Sri Krishna teaches the great warrior Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, even suffering takes on new meaning within the greater context of the eternal nature of Soul. Arjuna realizes that even though he does not want to fight, the Laws of Nature (as dharma) are more powerful than what our ego perceives to be good or bad. We may then choose to see the greater meaning behind certain events and embrace the ways in which challenges guide us to evolve.
I’m not saying this is always easy to do, especially when cataclysmic events, which are out of our control, take place; and yet, there is something about surviving these times that changes humanity at the core of our being. As devastating and horrific as some events may be to live through, based on the lives of millions of people who have survived the very worst one can imagine, when healing is supported and allowed, remarkable human beings tend to come out the other side.
However, integration is of utmost importance. Sudden and unexpected events in life can create extreme shock and trauma in our systems. Because we are fundamentally energetic beings, when energies shift suddenly, the aftershocks are real and it is necessary for us to find alignment with these newfound frequencies of being. Even enlightening and spiritually awakening shifts in consciousness take time to integrate.
I am reminded of the story of the great Himalayan Saint known as Om Swami Ji. When he achieved Self-Realization after many years of intense Sadhana (deep meditation and Spiritual practice) in the remote mountain caves and huts, it took him several months to adjust to human interaction once again. His body was vibrating at such a high frequency that ordinary human existence seemed nearly impossible for a time ~ he could feel everything and hear every thought of those around him. Until he integrated his newfound power and enlightened state of consciousness, he was easily physically exhausted and overwhelmed. It took him months to integrate such a profound transcendence in consciousness, but once he did, Om Swami Ji soon became and still is an embodied enlightened Himalayan Master, Guru, teacher and guide for countless souls around the world.
Anyone who has experienced an Ayahuasca journey will relate to a certain degree as well, as one returns from such a journey feeling very sensitive and open for some time and must take time to integrate. Such is the nature of being human. As long as we are physically bound souls, we have to allow time for the physical to essentially “catch up” with the rapid energy shifts in consciousness that often occur as a result of life’s peak events.
In the Yogic Sciences, trauma is explained as the result of an event that the current state of consciousness cannot understand or assimilate. It takes time and deep, spiritual and psychological work to elevate and expand our state of consciousness to a point where we can see the meaning behind traumatic events. However, if instead we remain forever stuck in the story of “what happened”, using it as an excuse to resist change, we suffer endlessly.
We all need ample time to heal, grieve, question and share our story following a traumatic event. There is a process and as the Trevor Hall song goes, “you can’t rush your healing”. Loving support is needed by those in pain, but inevitably there comes a time when we have a choice to welcome new perspective and insight that will allow us to grow beyond the pain we experienced and allow it to make us stronger, wiser and more evolved beings.
Perhaps this Full Moon in Purnavasu is an opportunity for you or someone you know to let the light into those places that hurt ~ a time to integrate the new cosmic energies of these challenging current human times on Earth… to ask ourselves, why is the world in upheaval? Could it be because the way things have been for a long time really, truly aren’t working? Could it be that even though change can be painful, it offers us the opportunity to create something new? Can we imagine a world without war?.. without hunger?.. without greed?.. without animosity for those who see things differently and create a world where we can all co-exist in harmonious co-creation?..
Is it possible that as we mature and evolve as a humanity that we become capable of making collective choices that support the greater good? I choose to believe this is indeed where we are headed. Even though it may be hard to see, it is during the darkest days that we end up seeking the light… it is when we are suffering the most that somehow, by Divine Mother’s Grace, we find Soul.
Nothing is without cause and effect in the Divine play in which we each carry our own, unique starring role. What we choose to focus on and how we choose to act has profound effect on what we experience and I believe, despite the tumult, we are in a time of realizing this great truth. Everything and everyone is interconnected, interdependent and interdimensional ~ the cosmic energies of these times ahead are aligning to teach us this in living colour.
It’s important to remember that while the world around us may be in chaos, many of us are residing in a space of profound inner peace and wellness and that’s okay too. We may all be connected but each have our individual consciousness and path to walk. As yoga teaches us, “you are the path and the path is you”. There is no one path that fits all. All of our karmas, samskaras, vasanas, vrittis, conditioning and life experiences are vastly different and, in a sense, while we remain connected, we each have our own little “bubble” of consciousness. So if you are well (and I truly wish for you to be well), then this is an amazing time to care for and serve others who need a hand.
If you have extra money and someone you know is struggling, share some ~ it will come back to you ten fold. If you know someone who is suffering emotionally, be that loving presence that allows them to express so they too may find their way to healing inner peace. Many of you have recently witnessed loved ones cross over and leave their physical bodies ~ I pray that this message may bring some peace and inner knowing that their soul’s eternal cosmic journey continues way beyond the physical. ~ if you need support, please know the invitation to reach out and connect is extended to you and your loved ones.
Wishing you strength and courage, infinite blessings and a beautiful and healing time until we meet again, may Divine Light protect and guide you along your path.
In radical gratitude,
christina xxx
Himalayan Kriya Yoga Teacher & Jyotishi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hari Om Tat Sat
Jai Guru Dev. Jai Ma. Om Namah Shivaya
“Your words are not just sounds, but energy that has the ability to shape reality.
Use words as Spiritual seeds. Say what you want to experience, not what you are afraid of.
Beyond stillness, the power of words is the bridge to reality.”
~ Mahavatar Babaji, the Eternal Yogi & embodiment of great Awakening & Enlightenment