2025 Influential Transits
Venus moves into Pisces ~ January 27 - May 31, 2025
Venus officially moves into Pisces on January 27th, where it will stay for longer than its typical visiting time because of the retrograde period March 2 - April 13th. Venus retrograde is a wonderful time for introspection. Though often associated as a time of “relationship troubles” or, “financial setbacks”, this is a vast generalization because how it affects each of us personally has everything to do with where Venus sits in our birth charts. For example, if Venus is in our house of career or creativity, we may find ourselves less inspired than usual and perhaps contemplating a new direction for our creative and work endeavours. The great wisdom of Venus offers us deep insight into how we find self-fulfillment. Also, from Jan. 27 - May 14th as long as Jupiter is finishing its visit in Taurus, Venus and Jupiter will be exchanging signs: Venus rules Taurus and Jupiter rules Pisces. This is generally a positive event and specifcs can be gathered from seeing where these signs fall in one’s birth chart as this shows us which houses are co-activated by this event.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, which means strengthened; therefore, the aspects of our consciousness that Venus represents (love, compassion, devotion, creativity, clarity, vitality, relating) are heightened. While Venus is the planet most often associated with romance, this is only a surface level understanding. While it is true that we can tell a lot about our relationships from Venus in our birth chart, this Guru’s highest aspect is Self-fulfillment and has a lot to do with our environment. Where and how we choose to seek self-fulfilment depends on our level of consciousness.
Many of us seek fulfillment externally in material gains or relationships, which may be enjoyable for a time, but ultimately do not fulfill us at the core of our being. If we are looking to the outside world to fulfill our deepest, soul-centred needs for connection, inevitably and eventually, we will fail. Therefore, Venus can show up as over indulgence, obsessive thinking and addiction when we are trying to fill an inner void, or sense of lack. However, the more in tune we become, the more enJOYment Venus enlivens within us and, as any wise Guru will tell you, true JOY…is a special kind of wisdom.
During Venus retrograde it is generally not recommended to begin or progress (such as getting engaged or married) a committed, intimate relationship. However, it is a wonderful time to reflect upon our patterns in relationships ~ a Divine opportunity to gather some deep insight and self-awareness that can help us move forward in relationships in a healthy, positive way following the retrograde period.
Venus exalted makes it an ideal time to deepen our yogic and tantric practises. Many people assume tantra is all about sex, but it’s really about energy ~ tuning into higher states of consciousness and self-awareness through our sensuality (the senses), including sacred sexuality, breathwork, chakra meditations, chanting, beautiful food, incense, flowers, candlelight, baths… this is an ideal time to deepen the fundamental relationship of our whole lifetime and beyond.. the one with our true Self and Source. All else stems from this primary relationship and if it isn’t aligned and grounded, the rest of our relationships in life become the projections of our subconscious samskaras, ultimately leading to suffering. All relationships challenge us to evolve, but with self awareness and inner knowing, we become able to see our partners for who they truly are, rather than projections of our insecurities and, as a result, we may become liberated from these karmic patterns and know what it truly means to simultaneously experience radical freedom and radical responsibility in relationships. Where being “committed” evolves into devotion, activating and expanding higher heart energies and evolved states of consciousness.
This alignment, of Venus in Pisces, only happens once every eight years, therefore, this upcoming period (January 27-May 31, 2025) mirrors events of 2017 and gives us an opportunity to revisit themes, projects and seeds that were planted at that time… what major themes have taken root in our lives since then?
Speaking for myself personally, the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 provided a HUGE cosmic shift for my life ~ I walked away from a business that was doing well but was making me very sick. Physically, emotionally and spiritually, I felt completely depleted and out of alignment. I had been feeling awful and run down all of 2016 and over the Christmas break, I became so sick that I could barely eat or walk for three weeks. I lay on the sofa or in bed for weeks. Unable to read or watch TV most of the time, I listened to healing solfeggio frequencies and stared out the window while I meditated, contemplated and reflected upon my life. A rather intense and unusual freezing blizzard engulfed Vancouver, where I lived at the time, which further cocooned me in intense healing and isolation.
One day I found the strength to journal and set some intentions for the life I wanted to live in health, joy and wellness and that became the start of an incredible journey within. I planted the seeds for rediscovering the Spiritual and Yogic path I had diverted from just four years previous and committed once again to living in alignment with soul. Just a few weeks later, with only 47$ to my name, I exchanged 44$, went to my first Cacao ceremony and the world of plant medicine healing opened up for me in a profound and beautiful way. A healing journey had begun and though the path before me was unknown, I chose to have faith and allow the Universe to guide me. The events that followed are worthy of a book, which may one day be written, but suffice it to say that nearly every aspect of my life and identity shifted in profound ways, the results of which I have only been able to truly appreciate within the past year, and the many fruits of which, I believe, are yet to come.
So, ask yourself, what was happening for you in 2017?.. and perhaps you may discover how past events shape the present and be able to see which seeds are preparing to sprout, grow and even bear fruit for you this year and beyond.
Saturn moves into Pisces March 29th - June 3, 2027
The great time-keeper Saturn, or Shani in Sanskrit, spends 2.5yrs in each sign and takes 30yrs to return. Therefore, the karmas that become activated when Saturn moves into a new sign may transcend one lifetime. Saturn is often associated with hardship, struggle, loss and tough times, but it can also bring great rewards, sustainable growth, transformative change, profound insight, resolve, determination, prosperity and opportunity.
Saturn in Pisces is a transformative time for inner awakening, challenging us to find balance and harmony between the pragmatic and spiritual aspects of our lives. It is a Divine opportunity to align our daily lives with our soul’s deepest desires, to discover a disciplined approach to our daily spiritual practices and lay the foundation for long-term growth. Depending on where Pisces sits in one’s birth chart, this house will be strongly activated over the next 2.5 years. It becomes a time to let go of illusions and face ourselves where we are at through deep introspection and self-reflection. Though this can feel heavy or restrictive at times, it is ultimately liberating as Saturn’s great power is to show us where our ego may be leading us astray and reconnect us with inner knowing and truth.
As the slowest moving planet, Saturn is never in a rush and can cause delays, but this is only because Saturn encourages us to slow down and make mindful decisions. Saturn delays, but does not deny, which is important to remember if we are finding ourselves challenged in pursuits related to where Pisces sits in our birth chart. Saturn’s call is to align with our higher purpose. His Grace can feel destructive, after all the Cosmic Energy associated with Saturn is Shiva, but His message is one of compassion and higher wisdom.
Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac and the most watery of all water signs. Pisces is deeply emotional and often desperately seeks to know the world beyond the physical veil. As a result, Pisces may often struggle to stay grounded. This transit offers the opportunity to bring dreams into reality by balancing the Spiritual with the daily, practical aspects of our lives. Though Saturn may churn the waters a fair bit for some, remember that the storm only comes for us when we are out of alignment with our higher purpose and true self.
If you have Saturn in Pisces within your birth chart then this transit marks one of your life’s Saturn returns, which is always a time for new beginnings, growth and the evolution of the next stage of our life’s path. Saturn return happens for everyone between 27-30, 57-60, 87-90 and 117-120 years of age. Which house Pisces holds in our brith chart is determined by our Ascendant sign (determined by time of birth), and when interpreted in a Vedic Astrology reading, can tell us a lot about which areas of our life will transform over the next 2.5yrs. Shani is a wise Guru and if we are able to understand the lessons He brings then we can move forward in life wiser, stronger and more aligned with our true path.
Saturn’s 30 year journey through the sky makes this a time to reflect upon where we were 30 years ago and this can offer further insight into which aspects of our lives may experience similar shifts now. If Moon is in Aries in your birth chart, this transit of Saturn in Pisces marks the beginning of your Sade Sati ~ the 7.5 year transit of Saturn across our natal Moon. This is truly an evolutionary period in one’s life ~it is truly worth of having a reading during this time to gain insight and clarity for what lies ahead. At the centre of all great change lies stillness (Shiva)and if we are able to connect with that core, the place of Shunya within, then our power (Shakti) to create a life of true joy explodes and, as my teacher says, “we become unshakeable”..
** March, April, May are going to be such significant months in Pisces that I am going to write more about this in a separate article as well.**
Jupiter in Gemini May 14 - October 18
Jupiter, the great Guru of expansion, Divine knowledge, wisdom and abundance moves into Gemini, the sign of communication, curiosity and creativity. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which gives it a quick-thinking, jovial nature and tends to excel in business. This transit opens the door to prosperity for many through intellectual growth, leaning and new avenues of communication and creative endeavours.
It is a wonderful time to focus on learning new things, study timeless Spiritual wisdom teachings, as well as sharing that knowledge via teaching in writing, and the many various forms of multimedia available to us today. Gemini teaches us adaptability and Jupiter expands our consciousness making this a wonderfully supportive alignment for opening new doors of unexpected opportunities ~ whether in business or Spiritual practice, depending on where Gemini sits in your birth chart, Jupiter’s benevolence, wisdom and grace will awaken new aspects of understanding oneself and how one wishes to express the light from within.
Rahu moves into Aquarius May 18, 2025 - Dec 5, 2026
Rahu is the North node eclipse point between the Sun and the Moon. Rahu will be bringing us a rather powerful, total lunar eclipse on March 14th, this Spring. During this eclipse, Rahu is still in Pisces and will be joined by several other planets (more on this to come). However, once it moves into Aquarius on May 18th, it inspires a whole new wave of unconventional ideas, innovative technology and bold ideas.
Aquarius is perhaps the most “unconventional” of the zodiac signs ~ not interested in the status quo, or normalcy, Aquarian energy is interested primarily in the greater good of all and will disrupt societal expectations with its progressive ideologies. Rahu, as represented by the disembodied head of the dragon or serpent, can also be disruptive and chaotic in nature, so these two do have a tendency to get along, if you will, and create all kinds of new energy wave patterns in the collective consciousness of humanity.
Aquarius rising and Moon signs will feel this shift most strongly and may find you are filled with a host of new desires, innovative ideas and inspiration. While Rahu can bring significant change to our lives, Aquarians generally don’t mind it, especially if it is serving a higher purpose to which they feel they can contribute. Aquarius is an air sign and Rahu is intimately connected to the wind and historically connected to some pretty extreme weather events. I highly recommend not travelling during the lunar eclipse on March 14th as we may start to see some significant water events around this time in the world.
Overall, when Rahu moves into Aquarius, where it will stay for 18months, it is a time to be on the lookout for all kinds of technological and medical innovations, AI, as well as some pretty significant shifts in the realms of social and legacy media. Things are moving very fast in the world today and in truth, it’s not slowing down. We are in the time of Dwarpara Yuga (one of the four great Ages as explained in the Vedic Sciences), which means human consciousness is rapidly rising and expanding and this time is defined by the incredible technological revolution we are witnessing now. It is a paradigm shift for humanity as we quickly progress out of much darker times in our recent history and into a much brighter future for all. I know it doesn’t always feel that way, but when one zooms out and sees Life from these great 25,000 year cycles of time and conscious evolution on Earth, then one can see that humanity is most assuredly ascending.
The first full Lunar Eclipse of the year will be March 13/14 (depending on where you live) in Pisces.
Ketu moves into Leo May 18, 2025 - Dec 5, 2026
Ketu is the South node eclipse point and the tail of the dragon or serpent. Ketu is the energy of detachment and spiritual liberation. Ketu can bring swift, sudden changes into our life that may appear “out of the blue”, and yet most of us have realized that “the blue” is indeed a very active space. Leo is ruled by the great Sun and is the sign of leadership, self-expression and Divine light. Often associated with royalty, Leo is generally comfortable on their own, (as long as they don’t have to follow anyone else’s rules ;-) therefore, the isolation that Ketu sometimes brings for us should not disturb Leos too much.
Many people associate Leo with wanting to be the “centre of attention”, but while this may be true for some, it is certainly not true for all. As always, the nuances of a chart have to be analyzed for Leo ascending and Moon signs for, just like the great Surya offers light for the entire solar system without asking for anything in return, day in and day out, Leos can be filled with this same, sublime desire to serve others. When Leos are driven by their HUGE hearts, and not their ego, they become tremendous leaders and inspiring figures within society.
For anyone still working on connecting with their heart energy, Ketu in Leo is a wonderful opportunity to rediscover one’s potential, offer selfless service, cultivate humility, release the desire for recognition and personal attachments to the results of efforts, and ultimately align with one’s higher, Divine purpose. It is a wonderful opportunity for deep introspection ~ to ask oneself, how can I align my strengths with the needs of the world?
Ketu brings a letting go and a release that ultimately asks us to trust in ourselves and surrender to the Divine ~ however we choose to define that for ourselves. Depending on where Ketu sits in one’s chart, He can bring some perceived “loss” in life, but the ultimate aim is to liberate us from the bondages of perceived reality and align us with our highest Truth and inner knowing.
There are many more transits and alignments to discuss as we move through the year, but if you would like to know more about how these significant transits may influence you in your life, please check out my article on the general themes for all 12 Zodiac Signs.
May your journey be filled with love and light.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti, Hari Om Tat Sat