NEW MOON ENERGIES ~ December 30, 2024

NEW MOON| 30.12.24

New Moon Energies

The New Moon is always a time for setting intentions ~ perhaps lighting some candles in the dark night, playing your favourite music, meditating and contemplating which seeds to plant in the dark, Cosmic Womb. Seeds that will be nourished so they may take strong roots and grow into the vision we hold for our sacred intentions.

Intentions are the seeds we plant within our hearts and often, quickly forget about… But, just like any garden, if we do not water and protect those seedlings, they will struggle or fail to grow and realize their full potential… this is partly why in yoga we receive prayer ties on our wrists or wear a particular crystal that has been charged with the energy of the Moon in order to remind us to daily tend the Sacred garden within our hearts.

Even though we cannot see it, our hearts keepsake all that is most near and dear to us. The heart is not only our first brain in life, it radiates the largest electromagnetic field of all the body, it tunes us into Soul, Source and is the seat of Cosmic Consciousness. Whichever desires we plant within this Sacred space of our hearts, become the prayers heard and received by the Universe.

This “end” of a calendar year marks an opportune and Divine time to honour ourselves, our efforts, our dreams and hearts ~ aligning each intention with the vision for our lives that brings us the most joy and excitement ~ and then, taking a moment to write down what is something we can do each day to water that seed.

CHANDRA ~ the Sacred Moon


This is where Vedic Astrology becomes super interesting, because as well as considering the sign, we also look at the Nakshatra, the Star or Asterism, in which a planet sits in your birth chart and in key transits. Today, the New Moon rests briefly in the sidereal sign of Sagittarius within the Nakshatra of Purva Ashada, which gives us deeper insight into which of the Sagittarian energies the Moon is activating.

Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter, bringing wisdom, expansion and higher learning. Sagittarius is a sign of adventure, optimism, spirituality, knowledge and knows how to “shoot for the stars”. As expressed by the half horse, half human holding a bow and arrow that is aimed at the galactic centre of the Milky Way, Sagittarians are adept at setting goals and reaching them with fervour.

Purva Ashada is “the undefeated one” and is represented by a fan and a basket. A person with one or more planets in this Star is someone who will rise again and again no matter how much life knocks us down. Ruled by Venus, it represents heightened creativity and the ability to gather people and spread knowledge. It offers a life-enhancing brightness ~ a light in the dark night.

All of these aspects combined make this a highly potent New Moon for reflection and expanded vision. If we can embrace the Spiritual teachings of the Vedas, which explicitly tell us that Life is always happening for us, then we may access the transformational energy of positive change so many of us seek.

Purva Ashada energy knows that everything is always working out as intended, for the highest good of all and therefore, people with this Asterism in their chart will carry a generally positive outlook on life’s events. What others may judge as “good or bad” doesn’t much matter, for the wisdom of Venus and Jupiter combined inherently knows the benevolent Nature of the Universe. This is a powerful energy to tune into because it offers us the ability to trust and even carry faith in the journey.

The seeds, or intentions, we plant during this New Moon will contain immense potential for personal growth in all areas of our lives. This New Moon also offers us the chance to grow some roots and centre ourselves within for an incredible year ahead!

BUDHA ~ the Messenger


January 1-6, 2025

The first week of January 2025 marks a time when Mercury will be in the “Gandanta” zone moving from the water sign of Scorpio into the fiery sign of Sagittarius. Mercury, our planetary guide of wit, intellect, communication and commerce, is going to be letting go of a lot of steam and even pressure that has been building in many peoples’ minds, perhaps regarding some pretty important life decisions…

During this period of “blowing off mental steam”, important decisions that have seemed as if without resolution, may feel suddenly suspended for a few days. Simply allowing for this process to happen without getting worried about what it means is typically the best approach. Write down your questions, but don’t try to answer them just yet ~ allow the answers to come to you… After all, what it means is that Mercury has been soaking it all in, gathering relevant information, processing feelings, researching and analyzing a lot while in Scorpio ~ now, as it moves into Sagittarius, Mercury is ready to shed that which is not needed to create space and move forward with whatever decisions need to be made. A good time to exhale and let go…

As Mercury moves into Sagittarius, after its Gandanta period, there should follow a greater sense of ease and clarity; an upsurge of intellectual enthusiasm and a renewed sense of adventure, spirit, purpose and insight into one’s long-term goals and visions. The answers will come…

There are some big transits happening in Spring of 2025 involving the two great Gurus, Jupiter and Saturn, and also the highly influential Rahu and Ketu, and they’re all happening around the same time. This means there will big energetic shifts taking place for all as these magnificent giants transition through signs and therefore, move from one house to another in our birth chart. Everyone feels significant transits, such as Saturn ~ every 2.5 years, in some meaningful way so it is worth exploring.

Depending on where these magnificent Celestial Beings sit in your individual birth chart, reveals how these transits are likely to effect you in personally relevant ways. This is why the start of a New Year is always a popular time for having a reading to prepare and align with the energies of the year ahead in ways that feel supportive for our goals and aspirations..

I will be sending out a Light Letter talking about the upcoming 2025 major transits, retrogrades and cosmic events very soon. And, I am excited to continue sharing, co-creating and evolving together.

For now, I wish you and your family great Health, Harmony & Abundance moving into another year and beyond.

In gratitude & grace,

christina xxx

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Hari Om Tat Sat


Full Moon Energies 01.13.25


Full Moon 15.12.24