Venus Exalted in Pisces 2025
Venus moves into Pisces ~ January 27 - May 31, 2025
Venus officially moves into Pisces on January 27th, where it will stay for longer than its typical visiting time because of the retrograde period March 2 - April 13th and will stay until the end of May. Venus is a Guru planet in Vedic Astrology, a planet that can create intense cravings for material pleasures, but for an elevated and mature state of consciousness, Venus offers us insight into the kinds of evolutionary desires that bring true and lasting fulfillment in life. The creative expressions of the arts, including music, dance, writing, drama and fine arts are all Venus ~ the sensual experience of life, from smelling flowers to delicious food, to living in beauty, abundance and good health are all significators of a strong and evolved Venus in someone’s chart.
Venus in our birth chart points to our intimate partnerships, our ability to be inclusive, creative, fulfilled in our endeavours and our connection to community and relationships. It shows generosity, attraction, desire, creativity and expressions of love and our ability to be in love. While Mars shows our determination, energy and will to train, Venus actually represents the vitality, strength and beauty of our form to come out of training, eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. If you wish to know more, Deep Dive into VENUS HERE.
Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac and therefore, naturally has a lot to with “endings”, but because the fish swims in both, opposing directions (as depicted by the symbol for Pisces), what those “endings”, or opportunities for transcendence, look and feel like, depends entirely on our state of consciousness. Pisces is the sign that rules the waters of the Earth and is associated with storms of the ocean and the waters of the world. Pisces is a sign known for its deep, psychic and empathic nature. Attuned to the deeper levels of our inner psyche and consciousness, Pisces is consistently seeking to connect and transcend from this relative reality. Emotion and the intuitive mind is Pisces’ comfort zone and it welcomes Venus here with great enthusiasm.
This Spring, Pisces is hosting quite the party as several planets will gather here from now until June. On this particular event, I will be writing a separate more detailed analysis shortly.
Venus Exalted in Pisces
As of January 27th, Venus has moved into Pisces where She becomes exalted, which means strengthened; therefore, the aspects of our consciousness that Venus represents (love, compassion, devotion, creativity, clarity, vitality, relating) are heightened. While Venus is the planet most often associated with romance, this is only a surface level understanding. While it is true that we can tell a lot about our relationships from Venus in our birth chart, this Guru’s highest aspect is Self-fulfillment and has a lot to do with our environment. Where and how we choose to seek self-fulfilment depends on our level of consciousness.
Many of us seek fulfillment externally in material gains or relationships, which may be enjoyable for a time, but ultimately do not fulfill us at the core of our being. If we are looking to the outside world to fulfill our deepest, soul-centred needs for connection, inevitably and eventually, we will fail. Therefore, Venus can show up as over-indulgence, obsessive thinking and addiction when we are trying to fill an inner void, or sense of lack. However, the more in tune we become, the more enJOYment Venus enlivens within us and, as any wise Guru will tell you, true JOY…is a special kind of wisdom.
Venus Retrograde March 2 - April 13th
Venus retrograde is a wonderful time for introspection. Though often associated as a time of “relationship troubles” or, “financial setbacks”, this is a vast generalization because how it affects each of us personally has everything to do with where Venus sits in our birth charts. For example, if Venus is in our house of career or creativity, we may find ourselves less inspired than usual and perhaps contemplating a new direction for our creative and work endeavours. The great wisdom of Venus offers us deep insight into how we find self-fulfillment. Also, from Jan. 27 - May 14th as long as Jupiter is finishing its visit in Taurus, Venus and Jupiter will be exchanging signs: Venus rules Taurus and Jupiter rules Pisces. This is generally a positive event and specifcs can be gathered from seeing where these signs fall in one’s birth chart as this shows us which houses are co-activated by this event.
During Venus retrograde it is generally not recommended to begin or progress (such as getting engaged or married) an intimate relationship. However, it is a wonderful time to reflect upon our patterns in relationships ~ a Divine opportunity to gather some deep insight and self-awareness that can help us move forward in relationships in a healthy, positive way following the retrograde period.
Venus retrograde is a time to go within and spend some time asking ourselves what we truly desire in life, because the simple truth is, most of us, don’t really know… It’s true that most people know what kind of car they want, they may even know what they like eating for dinner or who their favourite people are, but ask someone what they truly want in life, what makes them feel fulfilled, alive, full of clarity, joy and purpose and chances are, they won’t know how to answer.
I believe part of the confusion likes in the conditioning many of us receive that desire is a “bad thing”… “the root of all evil” or some such nonsense is told to us through tales of caution and various dogmas suggesting that somehow one of humanity’s greatest missions should be to become “desire-less”.. despite the fact that desire is inherent to Life and none of us would be alive right now if Life didn’t intrinsically seek to express itself through humanity, Earth, the cosmos… and yet, we still struggle to accept this Truth. I believe that it is the suppression of our natural desires to authentically connect, unabashedly create and freely express that often leads to addiction, obsessions, and a host of dis-eases resulting from suppression and repression of our heart’s true desires.
In the Yog-Vedantic tradition, desire is not suppressed or repressed ~ it is refined. Through study, practice, stillness and surrender, the yogi’s state of consciousness continuously elevates and expands. Naturally and logically, what one desires when operating from the lower chakra consciousness (sex, money, security) evolves into higher states of expression that create desires in alignment with Dharma (the Laws of Nature and Divine Purpose), which supports the greater good of Life, Love and Evolution… it is a logical process supported by the inherent desire in Life to Live free from any dogma that would negate the beauty and intelligence of Source and Existence itself.
From the perspective of Yogic wisdom teachings, we do not want to repress our desires, for to the desire to become desireless is in fact to painfully burden your psyche in suffering with a desire that can never be fulfilled, and therefore, creates all kinds of dis-ease in the body and mind. Instead, yogis practice non-attachment to desire. Desires are acknowledged, contemplated and naturally refined and then released to the cosmos without attachment. The same way we go about living a dharmic life without concern for the fruits of our labour, we surrender our attachment to our desire knowing that anything that is truly meant for us, is already ours ~ a higher Cosmic Intelligence is at the Source and the centre of every particle of light. The same way energy can never be destroyed, only transmuted and transformed, the same is true of the life-perpetuating potency of desire ~ otherwise, what would drive the sperm to the egg or the man to the Moon?
Desire is a wonderful aspect of ourselves to explore. Once we we are able to get all the guilt and shame most of us have been conditioned to feel about it out of the way, desire can be explored and even… enjoyed. Meditating and contemplating on our heart’s true desires helps us to connect with Source Intelligence, our Soul and each other. Once we know what we truly “want in life, how we want to feel and experience rather than what we want to have or possess, then we start to know our true Self. Then.. we start to hear “the call”. Feeling called to do something is much different than wanting to do something because there’s egoic sense of attachment to the wanting, rather than a curious sense of enlivenment felt by the call.
This Venus retrograde period is an ideal opportunity to spend time contemplating how we got here and now, and where we would like to go from here and now. Life only ever happens here and now ~ when you get “there”, you will be here and when “then” arrives, it will be now. Always and forever. Ask yourself, “what are my patterns?” Which desires am I afraid to admit to? Which desires are keeping me stuck in a karmic loop? What if I got in touch with heart’s true desire and then surrendered them… what could happen? Truth is, the Universe will knock your socks off if you let it. Simply writing your desires down and journaling a little bit about these things can unlock heaps about your inner psyche. As my teacher always says, “small keys open big doors” ~ nevertheless, you have to turn the key, open the door and walk through ~ no one can ever do that for you.
Venus exalted makes it an ideal time to deepen our yogic and tantric practises. Many people assume tantra is all about sex, but it’s really about energy ~ tuning into higher states of consciousness and self-awareness through our sensuality (the senses), including sacred sexuality, breathwork, chakra meditations, chanting, beautiful food, incense, flowers, candlelight, baths… this is an ideal time to deepen the fundamental relationship of our whole lifetime and beyond.. the one with our true Self and Source. All else stems from this primary relationship and if it isn’t aligned and grounded, the rest of our relationships in life become the projections of our subconscious samskaras, ultimately leading to suffering. All relationships challenge us to evolve, but with self awareness and inner knowing, we become able to see our partners for who they truly are, rather than projections of our insecurities and, as a result, we may become liberated from these karmic patterns and know what it truly means to simultaneously experience radical freedom and radical responsibility in relationships. When being “committed” evolves into being devoted, activating and expanding higher heart energies and evolved states of consciousness, then our relationships become sacred ground for the Spiritual practice of self-awareness and dharmic living.
Where were you 8 years ago?
This alignment, of Venus in Pisces, only happens once every eight years, therefore, this upcoming period (January 27-May 31, 2025) mirrors events of 2018 and gives us an opportunity to revisit themes, projects and seeds that were planted at that time… what major themes have taken root in our lives since then?
Speaking for myself personally, the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 provided a HUGE cosmic shift for my life ~ I walked away from a business that was financially lucrative, but was making me very sick. Physically, emotionally and spiritually, I felt completely depleted and out of alignment. I had been feeling awful and run down all of 2017 and over the Christmas break, I became so sick that I could barely eat or walk for three weeks. I lay on the sofa or in bed for weeks. Unable to read or watch TV most of the time, I listened to healing solfeggio frequencies and stared out the window while I meditated, contemplated and reflected upon my life. A rather intense and unusual freezing blizzard engulfed Vancouver, where I lived at the time, which further cocooned me in intense healing and isolation.
One day I found the strength to journal and set some intentions for the life I wanted to live in health, joy and wellness and that became the start of an incredible journey within. I planted the seeds for rediscovering the Spiritual and Yogic path I had diverted from just five years previous and committed once again to living in alignment with soul. Just a few weeks later, with only 47$ to my name, I exchanged 44$, went to my first Cacao ceremony and the world of plant medicine healing opened up for me in a profound and beautiful way. A healing journey had begun and though the path before me was unknown, I chose to have faith and allow the Universe to guide me. The events that followed are worthy of a book, which may one day be written, but suffice it to say that nearly every aspect of my life and identity shifted in profound ways, the results of which I have only been able to truly appreciate within the past year, and the many fruits of which, I believe, are yet to come.
So, ask yourself, what was happening for you in 2018?.. and perhaps you may discover how past events shape the present and be able to see which seeds are preparing to sprout, grow and even bear fruit for you this year and beyond.
In Summation
Venus in Pisces is a cosmic alignment that gives us the opportunity to really dig deep into our heart’s truest desires and evolve our desires out of the conditioned ego-state-of-mind, and into sublime alignment with our dharma where desire is in coherence with Universal Law and Cosmic Evolution.
Alignment with our heart’s truest desires is an empowerment of those energies and cosmic forces of Life. When we are experiencing life from this centred place of coherence and Divine wisdom within, then the life we come to know is one of flow, ease, grace and, ultimately, bliss. This is the place where we know everything is always as it is meant to be and the Divine play unfolds like a flower in Divine timing of its own Self-realization and Spiritual liberation.
When you knows what you’re doing is what you’re meant to be doing, then you cannot help but do it. you have to try.