The Eye of the Veda

Anyone who has ever lit a candle in a dark room knows the transformative power of light to illuminate the dark
Jyotish is the ancient Vedic Science of Light, commonly known as Vedic Astrology, that helps us to understand who we are and why we were born.
A single Jyotish reading can change and illuminate your life with meaning, deep insight and clarity.

“Only the Yog-Vedantic tradition had the same level of knowledge as modern cosmology.”

— Carl Sagan, Astrophysicist

Most of us are constantly searching for any insight that will better help us understand who we are, why we are here and why we are facing certain difficulties and challenges along the way.

Jyotish offers us a way to answer these fundamental questions of being human and can also guide us forward with solutions for our challenges in a scientifically reliable and spiritually enlightening manner.

Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Tat-savitur Vareñyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

In each of the three planes of existence,
we recall within ourselves and meditate upon
that wondrous Spirit of the Divine;
may Divine Light guide our inner vision.


“When the seer starts to see their own Self,
their own Cosmic Self,
when one starts to experience one's own
Cosmic Self,
one's own timeless nature,
then how can one crave anything?

How can there be attachment or aversion?
How can one exist in delusion?
How can one experience any suffering?”

~ Mahayogi AnandJi