2025 Marks a year of great change and transformation for all of us ~ discover what major planetary conjunctions lie ahead for us and what this could mean for you in the 12 - 18months ahead.
Learn about the major transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Ketu in 2025 and what this may mean for each of us individually and collectively. This year all planets are transiting signs, a somewhat rare event as it means significant change for all of us in different areas of our lives.
Saturn represents many challenges in life and to a certain extent opposition. However, we all know that challenge is inherent to life ~ all life is about growth and learning, exploring and discovering, evolving and therefore, challenge is essential. Depending on the maturity of the soul, its relationship to challenge is different. On the lower levels of consciousness and the absence of growth, Saturn is suffering. However, when challenges are met as opportunities for growth then Shani becomes evolution.
In Sanskrit, Brihaspati means “luminous protector”. How remarkable that the Rishis knew its role. In the Veda and the Puranas, Brihaspati is the Guru to the Devas. Hence, another name for Jupiter in Jyotish is “Guru”. Brihaspati represents the sage counsel and is considered one of the most naturally benefic forces in a chart, pointing to its natural energy. Therefore, irrespective of the consciousness state of the native, Brihaspati shows up as a gentle teacher. Like a Grandfather teacher and Guru.
Venus is our capacity to attract and therefore is associated with one’s magnetism. On a higher level it is the value of Beauty ~ all levels of beauty as in the eyes of the beholder. Each of us experiences different forms of beauty from our level of consciousness. In Sanskrit, beauty is the value of Shri. We recognize that for there to be beauty to appreciate, the Divine must take form and so we honour and appreciate that form ~ from a flower to the Milky Way…
Mercury is a gentle planet. The triangle is a symbol for Mercury because it is vital to focus and support the intellect for correct understanding ~ awareness, attention, intellect. The triangle represents the intimate relationship of cultivating one’s attention and awareness for optimal intelligence; therefore, meditation is so important for Mercury and mental health. Especially now, in the age of information and technology where everyone is so easily distracted, it is vital that we tune in and strengthen our minds.
Discover Chandra, the beautiful, reflective luminous being in our night sky and how this energy translates into your Vedic Natal Chart and what this could mean for you. Moon is many things and offers us great insight into our psyche and subconscious. Find out why Chadra is also known as Soma and dive into the great wisdom of this ancient Vedic science.
Discover Surya and how to tune into the life force energy of this luminous, giant star planet who brilliantly births and supports life within our solar system.
The Swadhistana, 2nd and Sacral chakra is associated with the emotional Self, reproduction, sensuality, intimacy, vitality, ecstasy, passion, creativity, relationships, emotional cording and the creative direction of our Vital Life Force energy.
The third chakra is known as the Manipura (often referred to as the Solar Plexus chakra) is associated with the colour yellow and the qualities of personal will, personal power, courage, clear decisive action, vision, dynamic action, assertiveness, discipline, determination, passion, vitality and resilience.
The fourth chakra is known as Anahata and Heart chakra and is associated with the colour green and the qualities of universal, unconditional LOVE, compassion, forgiveness, trust, vulnerability, joy, surrender, humility, harmony, abundance, faith and hope. It is the seat of love and compassion and the seat of mantra (expansion of the heart).
The throat chakra regulates our relationship with authenticity, creativity, understanding and expression. If we are emitting a lower vibration with our words, we will create and receive low vibrational experiences. The sound waves we create with our voice are corresponded by the Universe. THE WORD CREATES. (Abracadabra)
The sixth chakra is known as the Agya and is the Third Eye associated with Sacred Sight, intuition, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, divine memory & intelligence, imagination, vision, inner and outer hearing as well as True Self Awareness.
The seventh chakra is known as Sahasrara, the thousand petaled lotus, also known as the Crown Chakra. Sahasrara symbolizes infinity and is the doorway to the Divine, the Seat of Divine Awareness & Self-Realization.
To be in alignment is to feel whole, clear and balanced within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, as well as within the cosmos. Alignment is a process of clearing, purging and releasing that which does not serve us. In other words, are we coherent with the Universal Law governing each chakra?
Chakras are non-physical, multi-dimensional, energetic portals in the layered body that form a gravitational link with our DNA strands, holding it in place and creating a portal of communication between our physical and non-physical Selves.
The Eye of the Veda
Anyone who has ever lit a candle in a dark room knows the transformative power of light to illuminate the dark…
Jyotish is the ancient Vedic Science of Light, commonly known as Vedic Astrology, that helps us to understand who we are and why we were born.
A single Jyotish reading can change and illuminate your life with meaning, deep insight and clarity.
“Only the Yog-Vedantic tradition had the same level of knowledge as modern cosmology.”
— Carl Sagan, Astrophysicist
Most of us are constantly searching for any insight that will better help us understand who we are, why we are here and why we are facing certain difficulties and challenges along the way.
Jyotish offers us a way to answer these fundamental questions of being human and can also guide us forward with solutions for our challenges in a scientifically reliable and spiritually enlightening manner.
Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Tat-savitur Vareñyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
In each of the three planes of existence,
we recall within ourselves and meditate upon
that wondrous Spirit of the Divine;
may Divine Light guide our inner vision.
“When the seer starts to see their own Self,
their own Cosmic Self,
when one starts to experience one's own
Cosmic Self,
one's own timeless nature,
then how can one crave anything?
How can there be attachment or aversion?
How can one exist in delusion?
How can one experience any suffering?”
~ Mahayogi AnandJi
The 1st chakra, Muladhara, also know as "the Root" is associated with the colour red and the qualities of groundedness, connection to the Heart of our Earth Mother, survival, strength, physical self, safety, tribal and family karma, courage, determination, origin and generation of life force and PRESENCE.